I made it through my first week of masters swim club. It's a humbling experience. I felt pretty strong in my swimming and although I knew that I would not be the fastest swimmer there, I find myself in the last lane...the SLOW swimmers lane. I'm not the slowest in that lane, in fact I'm the fastest and I could potentially move to the slightly faster slow lane but then I would definitely be the slowest. Not that it's a big deal but I hate feeling to pressured to keep up so it's better for me to be in the slower lane.
It is definitely a challenge. The practise itself starts a 5:30 and ends at 7. This is at least a half hour longer than I'm used to plus the pace is faster. I like the different drills that we do and the other swimmers have been super friendly and welcoming. Yesterday I caught crap from the coach for not following the intervals properly. (I was trying but I was getting all confused and tired out) although at first he thought I was a swimmer from last year he didn't realize that it was only my second swim with them. I felt a bit sheepish but I can only try to do my best. It seems hard to believe that I will get any faster. I know that may sound a bit weird but I feel like I will be perpetually slower.
I also found that between the early start and the extra swimming this week I was pretty tired by 6 in the evening and a pretty major grump. My shoulders, triceps and biceps are all mildly sore but in a good way. Although on Wed I did my planned run but cut my long bike that day because my shin on my right side seized up. I was hobbling all over campus so instead of a bike I opted for ice, advil and a nap. I think I may be able to bike on Sat instead. The pain had disappeared by the following day so I don't know what was going on with that. I wondered if some of the kick drills may have aggravated something. (I've never done kick drills before.) I'll know if it's truly gone today because I have a brick workout planned.
And a little aside to my training. My daughters daycare is officially on strike as of Monday. Talk about suck. I'm not quite sure what I'll do but next week is a recovery week and I just cross my fingers that the strike won't drag on too long. It will have a huge impact on my school and on my training.
Everyone has to start somewhere! I'm the same way. B/tw slow lane 1 and 2. But I'd rather be relaxed and have good form than pressured to blow up.
Well done ! Isn't it a great feeling to know you've worked hard and achieved something like this ? S
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