Do you ever begin your week feeling like this:
Although the reason I had a week like this was removed from my training. I'm just finishing up the end of the semester. I'm trying to finish my undergrad Arts degree with a major in English Lit. I'm hoping to move on into the teaching program and eventually teach. Some days I think I'm just going crazy. Why am I doing this to myself. Oh yes it was a personal goal of mine to finish my University degree that I left when I was 19. I want a better life for myself and I want to set a good example to my kids. (To follow your dreams and to work hard towards something that you've chosen to do.) But I swear some days I just want to pack it in some days I just want to scream out "MY LIFE SUCKS" but instead I go out for a run or bike. (OR both) and it helps. So yes I Barely squeezed through this semester and quite honestly I'm not sure how I got the marks I did. As a mature student I see more and more (particularly in the arts and humanities courses) how subjective the marking system in this particular University is. I don't remember feeling that way when I was in first year at age 19 but at 37 with life experience you can see that everything (well practically everything) is negotiable and the Prof's they're on your side. I wish I had this kind of wisdom when I went to University the first time. Oh well. I'm just so glad this semester is over. I've been going to University non stop for 5 semesters and after this 6th semester it will have been a year and a half with only a two week break in between semesters. It's not easy going to school and raising 3 kids on your own. My two older kids see their Dad every other weekend and have gone away with him for several weeks this summer but my youngest doesn't have contact with her Dad (maybe I'll tell the story another time.) so I don't really get a break from her.) Next summer I plan to take a break which means I'll get a brain break but because I plan to NOT work I will have almost zippo in the money dept. The good thing is that I'm heading into my third year and after my break I'l be 4th yearish with only the PDP teaching semester left. I can do it, I can do it!
1 comment:
Kudos for following your dreams and not giving up. It may not be easy but it will always be worth it.
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