I can't stand this. I'm sick again. For the last year and a half my training has made me more resistant to flu bugs and viruses but in the last month I've been hit twice and been knocked back a peg or two. This time I seem to have some sort of flu/chest cold thingy. I've had a temperature and I feel like I'm coughing out both my lungs. It's hard to imagine at this point that I'm actually capable of running a half marathon when I can barely get up the stairs without passing out.
This has been very discouraging. I think I am going to have to take a very close look at my training schedule because this is ridiculous I hate being sick. The hard thing too is that it doesn't just affect my training it affects everything in my life. I've had to miss school. (My youngest was sick first.) I can hardly look after myself let alone my kids. My kids are pretty good though, they do what they can to help out and they haven't complained about having kraft dinner for supper.
Although just before I got super sick I went on the most amazing bike ride. I met this fella that had done several ironmans (Ironman Canada and ironman Florida) and he had invited me out for a ride with him. He was super patient with me as obviously I'm nowhere near as strong as he is. He showed me a cool place to ride and gave me all sorts of advice from how to train to good ways to stay warm on winter bike rides. I hope I get to go out for a ride with him again but I may have got more out of our ride than he did so perhaps I may not get to go with him again. It did make me realize that I really need to get out with a group more often. It was really nice riding with somebody else and it was such a fantastic day out.
Now if I can shake this flu....
Hi Erika! Sorry to hear you are feeling so rotten. I wondered where you were ! The bike ride sounds good though. Take care. S
Bummer being sicko. Kids bring home the strangest things...including flu bugs. Gotta wash your hands alot.
Group rides are fantistic fitness boosters and good social time too. Shake that bug and get back in the game.
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