Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Back to Training
I'm feeling a bit better about slow. I timed my run and it took me 75 min to complete the 11k which gives me an average of 6.8 to 7 min per km. So while this makes me less than speedy it's respectable enough and I think by next week as I start to feel even more healthy and recovered that this might even speed up a bit. Furthermore I know that I can keep up this pace over the full 21k so that's all right. I think as part of my training plan next season I will incorporate more speed work. (Not too much.) To date my focus has been almost exclusively on endurance work so I know that I can keep up a nice steady pace and go and go and go. Not super fast but I know that I could keep up that pace over a whole race. And this is true in the swim, bike and run. Well the swimming I actually have done intervals and worked some on speed. So I think considering that I only began seriously considering triathlon racing last year this is pretty good. I have told myself all along to not push so hard that I burn out or get injured because I would like to see myself continue training for Triathlons for years and years rather than it be just a one year or two year goal. Today I'm okay with slow and steady because in the end I will win my race in my heart and in my spirit and that's really what it's all about anyway.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Oh to be training again.
It's not too much longer before I begin my taper for my half marathon. I plan that after the half marathon I will take kind of a training break. I'll keep going to my Masters swim club throughout Dec but I think I might keep the runs and bikes kind of low key. Dec is such a wonky month for me in terms of training. Christmas Parties and family visits throw everything off. Notice that I said I would keep things low key which does not give me a license to sit on the couch and indulge in irrational consumption of Christmas goodies. I also plan at the end of Nov to do some strength training, along with the spin classes. I really enjoy the spin classes that they have at the recreation center near my home. Then come January I will follow a 20 week training plan. I hope to race in the same Aqualathon as I did this year (1k swim/ 10k run), it's very local but it was fun and I just would like to see how my race time has improved as I'm certain even now only 6 months after that I would see a difference. That race is in April and then there is a Sprint that I'd like to do in May and possibly an Olympic in Aug or this could be a Sprint if I don't think I'm ready for the Olympic. My biggest fears about any race is always that I will be so horrifically slow that everyone else finishes long before I even come close to the finish line. Why that bothers me, I'm not sure. I guess no one wants to look foolish or embarrass themselves. It's funny that most people wouldn't even attempt any race so why I should think I look foolish when I'm at least out there...I don't know.
So I pray to the training gods that in the next few days I will be strong enough to do even some light training. I think if I'm not totally ready to run, I might at least go for a brisk walk. I'd just like to be out there, I really miss it.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
On the Mend
When you get really sick it's easy to doubt what you're doing. I started to wonder if I was crazy. Everything is relative. I've been hanging around more active people, others who train for marathons and triathlons, ironmans so when you talk about training hours, 10 hours of training a week can sound like nothing. Then this weekend I went out with friends of mine, they were asking me about what event was coming up and I told them about the Fall Classic half marathon that is in November. They almost fell over when I explained that I'd be running 21k. It doesn't seem like a biggee to me, I think about it, plan it, train it. worry about it but I know that I'll do it even if it's not that fast. They just couldn't believe it. When I talk to other average joe family's I realize that what I do is unusual. It's just a part of who I am now, it's incorporated into my regular day and into my regular being. I wouldn't want it any other way and I know I question myself sometimes...about whether I'm crazy or obsessive but when I think of the alternative...sitting around being a couch potato it's not that appealing so I bumble along with my training plans and strive to be the best me I can
Thursday, October 11, 2007
NOooooooooo.... Sick Again

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
More hoorah's for swim club

Yesterday I did my scheduled run. The weather was overcast and about half way it started to rain. I was quite slow and my legs felt stiff but I did what I had planned so I guess that's good. Today I did my swim but I'm jamming on my bike, it's absolutely pouring and I could go to a spin class but I actually need to spend a bit more time studying for my second midterm. Ugh.
Other than school, my training and school I haven't done too much socially lately. I need to plan in some fun time because sometimes when I just put my head down and go go go I get lots accomplished but I get down and grumpy because everything is just so serious. I wish I had more friends that were active. I have too many sedentary friends. But even just getting out from time to time to eat good food and have a drink or two or just socialize with someone over the age of 12. I love my kids and I love doing stuff with them but it is nice to just talk about adult stuff sometimes. Ya know.